Welcoming The Mother

A Postpartum Ceremony

Motherhood. An Initiation. A Rite of Passage.

You did it, Mama! You dove deep into the birth portal all on your own. You have been cracked open, transformed and are now emerging as a New Woman. A Mother. You know there is no going back to your old self, only forward. You deserve to be witnessed. I am here to honor your sacred Rite of Passage into Motherhood. Together we will co create a beautiful ceremony igniting your Motherhood journey with reverence and grace.

Ceremony can include:

  • Birth Story Sharing

  • Yoni Steaming

  • Full body herbal oil Massage

  • Placenta burying

  • Chanting/Singing/Drumming

  • Oracle & Tarot Readings

  • Closing of the Bones

This ceremony can be done simply with just the Mother or it can be a circle surrounded by friends and family.

Ceremony is approximately 3 hours.

Please email Brienne@cosmicmamamedicine.com if you are interested in receiving this ceremony.